Material Test

In a discussion the decision was made to trial out making materials out squared, hand drawn, texture tiles to prevent having to fully hand paint each model individual. I ran a test using the following methods that have provided promising results.

- Ensure texture is tileable from all edges
- Create normal, roughness, metallic (and potentially AO) maps in Bitmap2Material
- Import images to Substance Designer, hook up to outputs and tweak paramaters until satisfied with results.
- Export as sbsar file for use in Substance Painter by Texture Artist

test texture

texture map exports from B2M
Sbsar exported from Substance Designer

Material applied to test model in Substance Painter 

Further testing needed: I will carried out more tests and research to potentially export a material with adjustable parameters within Substance Painter (such as normal, metallic and roughness intensity, as well as base colour) . This will give the Texture Artist more control over the final appearance on of the material once applied to the mesh.


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